Are you looking for a classic girl’s name to give a new puppy or an adult dog you’ve just adopted? We’ve been searching through the Social Security files for old-fashioned girl’s names starting in 1880–and we’ve got over 1000 options for your new good girl! Now that human names are more popular than ever for our fur babies, this list of girl dog names will provide you with plenty of ideas for names and nicknames for your new dog.

Girl Dog Names Starting with A
- Abbie
- Abigail
- Ada
- Adah
- Adaline
- Adda
- Addie
- Adelaide
- Adele
- Adelia
- Adeline
- Adell
- Adella
- Adriana
- Adrienne
- Agatha
- Agnes
- Aileen
- Aimee
- Alberta
- Albina
- Alene
- Alexandra
- Alfreda
- Alice
- Alicia
- Alida
- Aline
- Alisa
- Alisha
- Alison
- Allene
- Allie
- Allison
- Alma
- Almeda
- Alpha
- Alta
- Althea
- Alva
- Alvina
- Alyce
- Alyssa
- Amanda
- Amber
- Amelia
- America
- Amie
- Amy
- Ana
- Anastasia
- Andrea
- Angel
- Angela
- Angelia
- Angelica
- Angelina
- Angeline
- Angelique
- Angie
- Anissa
- Anita
- Ann
- Anna
- Annabel
- Annabelle
- Anne
- Annetta
- Annette
- Annie
- Annmarie
- Antoinette
- Antonia
- April
- Ardis
- Arleen
- Arlene
- Arline
- Arminta
- Artie
- Ashley
- Audra
- Audrey
- Augusta
- Aurelia
- Aurora
- Ava
- Avis
- Barb
- Barbara
- Beatrice
- Becky
- Belinda
- Bell
- Bella
- Belle
- Belva
- Benita
- Bennie
- Bernadette
- Bernadine
- Bernice
- Berniece
- Berta
- Bertha
- Bertie
- Beryl
- Bess
- Besse
- Bessie
- Beth
- Bethany
- Betsy
- Bette
- Bettie
- Betty
- Bettye
- Beulah
- Beverley
- Beverly
- Billie
- Birdie
- Blanch
- Blanche
- Bobbi
- Bobbie
- Bobby
- Bonita
- Bonnie
- Brandi
- Brandy
- Brenda
- Bridget
- Bridgett
- Bridgette
- Brooke
- Callie
- Camille
- Candace
- Candice
- Candy
- Cara
- Carey
- Cari
- Carla
- Carlene
- Carmela
- Carmella
- Carmen
- Carol
- Carole
- Carolina
- Caroline
- Carolyn
- Carrie
- Cassandra
- Cassie
- Catharine
- Catherine
- Cathleen
- Cathrine
- Cathryn
- Cathy
- Cecelia
- Cecil
- Cecile
- Cecilia
- Celeste
- Celestine
- Celia
- Celina
- Chandra
- Charity
- Charlene
- Charles
- Charlie
- Charlotte
- Cheri
- Cherie
- Cheryl
- Chloe
- Chris
- Christa
- Christena
- Christi
- Christie
- Christina
- Christine
- Christy
- Cindi
- Cindy
- Claire
- Clara
- Clare
- Clarice
- Claudette
- Claudia
- Claudie
- Claudine
- Clementine
- Clemmie
- Cleo
- Clyde
- Coleen
- Colette
- Colleen
- Concetta
- Connie
- Constance
- Consuelo
- Cora
- Cordelia
- Cordie
- Corine
- Corinne
- Cornelia
- Corrie
- Corrine
- Courtney
- Cristina
- Crystal
- Cynthia
- Daisie
- Daisy
- Dale
- Dana
- Danette
- Danielle
- Daphne
- Darcy
- Darla
- Darlene
- Dawn
- Deana
- Deann
- Deanna
- Deanne
- Debbie
- Debby
- Debora
- Deborah
- Debra
- Dee
- Deena
- Deidre
- Deirdre
- Delia
- Della
- Delores
- Deloris
- Delphine
- Dena
- Denice
- Denise
- Desiree
- Dessa
- Dessie
- Diana
- Diane
- Diann
- Dianna
- Dianne
- Dina
- Dionne
- Dixie
- Docia
- Dollie
- Dolly
- Dolores
- Dona
- Donna
- Donnie
- Dora
- Doreen
- Doris
- Dorothea
- Dorothy
- Dorris
- Dortha
- Dorthy
- Dottie
- Dovie
Emily was the #1 US name for girls in the 2000s–replaced by Emma a decade later.
- Earlene
- Earline
- Earnestine
- Easter
- Eda
- Eddie
- Edith
- Edna
- Edwina
- Edythe
- Effie
- Eileen
- Elaine
- Elda
- Eleanor
- Eleanore
- Elena
- Elinor
- Elisa
- Elisabeth
- Elise
- Eliza
- Elizabeth
- Elizebeth
- Ella
- Ellen
- Ellie
- Elma
- Elmira
- Elnora
- Eloise
- Elouise
- Elsa
- Elsie
- Elva
- Elvera
- Elvira
- Emelia
- Emilie
- Emily
- Emma
- Emmaline
- Emmie
- Emogene
- Enid
- Era
- Erica
- Ericka
- Erika
- Erin
- Erma
- Erna
- Ernestine
- Essie
- Esta
- Estell
- Estella
- Estelle
- Ester
- Esther
- Ethel
- Ethelyn
- Etta
- Ettie
- Eugenia
- Eula
- Eunice
- Eva
- Evangeline
- Evelyn
- Evie
- Faith
- Fannie
- Fanny
- Fay
- Faye
- Felicia
- Fern
- Ferne
- Flora
- Florence
- Florida
- Florine
- Flossie
- Floy
- Frances
- Francine
- Francis
- Frank
- Frankie
- Freda
- Freddie
- Freida
- Frieda
- Gail
- Gale
- Garnet
- Gay
- Gayla
- Gayle
- Gena
- Gene
- Geneva
- Genevieve
- George
- Georgia
- Georgiana
- Georgianna
- Georgie
- Geraldine
- Gertie
- Gertrude
- Gilda
- Gina
- Ginger
- Gladys
- Glenda
- Glenna
- Gloria
- Golda
- Goldie
- Grace
- Gracie
- Greta
- Gretchen
- Guadalupe
- Gussie
- Gwen
- Gwendolyn
- Hallie
- Hanna
- Hannah
- Harriet
- Harriett
- Harriette
- Hattie
- Hazel
- Heather
- Hedwig
- Heidi
- Helen
- Helena
- Helene
- Henrietta
- Hester
- Hettie
- Hilda
- Hilma
- Holly
- Hope
- Hortense
- Hulda
- Ida
- Idella
- Ila
- Ilene
- Ima
- Imogene
- Ina
- Inez
- Inga
- Ingrid
- Iola
- Iona
- Ione
- Ira
- Irene
- Iris
- Irma
- Isabel
- Isabell
- Isabella
- Isabelle
- Iva
- Ivy
Jennifer was the #1 girl name in the US during the 1960s.
- Jackie
- Jacqueline
- Jacquelyn
- James
- Jami
- Jamie
- Jan
- Jana
- Jane
- Janelle
- Janet
- Janette
- Janice
- Janie
- Janine
- Janis
- Jannie
- Jaunita
- Jayne
- Jean
- Jeanette
- Jeanie
- Jeanine
- Jeanne
- Jeannette
- Jeannie
- Jeannine
- Jenifer
- Jennie
- Jennifer
- Jenny
- Jeri
- Jerri
- Jerry
- Jessica
- Jessie
- Jewel
- Jewell
- Jill
- Jimmie
- Jo
- Joan
- Joann
- Joanna
- Joanne
- Jocelyn
- Jodi
- Jodie
- Jody
- Johanna
- Johnnie
- Jolene
- Joni
- Josefina
- Josephine
- Josie
- Joy
- Joyce
- Juana
- Juanita
- Judi
- Judie
- Judith
- Judy
- Julia
- Julianne
- Julie
- June
- Justine
Find more classic names in our Boy Dog Names post!
- Kara
- Karen
- Kari
- Karin
- Karla
- Karyn
- Kate
- Katharine
- Katherine
- Katheryn
- Kathi
- Kathie
- Kathleen
- Kathrine
- Kathryn
- Kathy
- Katie
- Katrina
- Kay
- Kaye
- Keisha
- Kelley
- Kelli
- Kellie
- Kelly
- Kendra
- Keri
- Kerri
- Kerry
- Kim
- Kimberlee
- Kimberley
- Kimberly
- Kirsten
- Kittie
- Kizzie
- Kris
- Krista
- Kristen
- Kristi
- Kristie
- Kristin
- Kristina
- Kristine
- Kristy
- Ladonna
- Lana
- Lara
- Lashawn
- Latanya
- Latonya
- Laura
- Laurel
- Lauren
- Lauretta
- Lauri
- Laurie
- Laverne
- Lavina
- Lavinia
- Lavonne
- Lea
- Leah
- Leann
- Leanne
- Leatha
- Leatrice
- Lee
- Leigh
- Leila
- Lela
- Lelah
- Lelia
- Lena
- Lenna
- Lennie
- Lenora
- Lenore
- Leola
- Leona
- Leone
- Leonora
- Leora
- Leota
- Lesa
- Lesley
- Leslie
- Lessie
- Leta
- Letha
- Leticia
- Letitia
- Lettie
- Libbie
- Lida
- Lila
- Lilian
- Lilla
- Lillian
- Lillie
- Lilly
- Lily
- Lina
- Linda
- Linnie
- Lisa
- Liz
- Liza
- Lizzie
- Lois
- Lola
- Lona
- Lonnie
- Lora
- Loraine
- Lorena
- Lorene
- Loretta
- Lori
- Lorie
- Lorine
- Lorna
- Lorraine
- Lorri
- Lorrie
- Lottie
- Lou
- Louella
- Louie
- Louisa
- Louise
- Loula
- Louvenia
- Lovie
- Luann
- Luanne
- Lucia
- Lucie
- Lucile
- Lucille
- Lucinda
- Lucretia
- Lucy
- Ludie
- Lue
- Luella
- Lula
- Lulu
- Luna
- Lupe
- Lura
- Lutie
- Luvenia
- Luz
- Lyda
- Lydia
- Lynda
- Lynette
- Lynn
- Lynne
- Lynnette
Mary was the #1 female name all the way from the 1880s to the 1950s.
- Mabel
- Mabelle
- Mable
- Madeleine
- Madeline
- Madelyn
- Madge
- Mae
- Magdalena
- Magdalene
- Maggie
- Malinda
- Malissa
- Mamie
- Mandy
- Manuela
- Marcella
- Marci
- Marcia
- Marcie
- Marcy
- Margaret
- Margarita
- Margery
- Margie
- Margo
- Margret
- Marguerite
- Maria
- Mariah
- Marian
- Marianne
- Maribel
- Marie
- Marietta
- Marilyn
- Marilynn
- Marion
- Marisa
- Marisol
- Marjorie
- Marjory
- Marla
- Marlene
- Marlo
- Marlys
- Marnie
- Marsha
- Marta
- Martha
- Marva
- Mary
- Maryann
- Maryanne
- Marybeth
- Maryellen
- Marylou
- Mathilda
- Matie
- Matilda
- Mattie
- Maud
- Maude
- Maudie
- Maureen
- Maurine
- Mavis
- Maxine
- May
- Maybelle
- Mayme
- Mazie
- Meda
- Megan
- Melanie
- Melba
- Melinda
- Melisa
- Melissa
- Mellie
- Melody
- Melva
- Melvina
- Mercedes
- Meredith
- Merle
- Merry
- Mertie
- Meta
- Metta
- Mettie
- Mia
- Michael
- Michele
- Michelle
- Mildred
- Millie
- Mina
- Mindy
- Minerva
- Minna
- Minnie
- Minta
- Mintie
- Miriam
- Missouri
- Misty
- Mittie
- Mitzi
- Mollie
- Molly
- Mona
- Monica
- Monique
- Mozelle
- Muriel
- Myra
- Myrna
- Myrta
- Myrtie
- Myrtle
- Nadine
- Nan
- Nancy
- Nanette
- Nannie
- Naomi
- Natalie
- Natasha
- Nelda
- Nell
- Nelle
- Nellie
- Nettie
- Neva
- Nichole
- Nicole
- Nikki
- Nina
- Noelle
- Nola
- Nona
- Nora
- Noreen
- Norma
- Ocie
- Octavia
- Odessa
- Ola
- Oleta
- Olga
- Olive
- Olivia
- Ollie
- Oma
- Ona
- Opal
- Ophelia
- Ora
- Orpha
- Paige
- Pam
- Pamela
- Pansy
- Pat
- Patrice
- Patricia
- Patsy
- Patti
- Pattie
- Patty
- Paula
- Paulette
- Pauline
- Pearl
- Pearle
- Pearlie
- Peggie
- Peggy
- Penelope
- Penny
- Phebe
- Philomena
- Phoebe
- Phyllis
- Pinkie
- Polly
- Priscilla
- Prudence
What’s in a name? That which we call a rose,
By any other word would smell as sweet.Shakespeare
- Rachael
- Rachel
- Rachelle
- Rae
- Ramona
- Randi
- Raquel
- Reba
- Rebecca
- Regina
- Rena
- Rene
- Renee
- Retha
- Retta
- Reva
- Rhea
- Rhoda
- Rhonda
- Rilla
- Rita
- Robbie
- Robbin
- Robert
- Roberta
- Robin
- Robyn
- Rochelle
- Ronda
- Rosa
- Rosalee
- Rosalie
- Rosalind
- Rosalinda
- Rosalyn
- Rosanne
- Rose
- Roseann
- Roseanna
- Rosella
- Rosemarie
- Rosemary
- Rosetta
- Rosie
- Rosina
- Roslyn
- Rowena
- Roxanne
- Roxie
- Ruby
- Rubye
- Ruth
- Ruthann
- Ruthie
- Sabrina
- Sadie
- Sallie
- Sally
- Samantha
- Sandra
- Sandy
- Sara
- Sarah
- Saundra
- Savannah
- Selma
- Sena
- Serena
- Shana
- Shanna
- Shannon
- Shari
- Sharon
- Sharron
- Shauna
- Shawn
- Shawna
- Sheila
- Shelby
- Shelia
- Shelley
- Shellie
- Shelly
- Sheri
- Sherri
- Sherrie
- Sherrill
- Sherry
- Sheryl
- Shirley
- Shonda
- Sidney
- Sondra
- Sonia
- Sonja
- Sonya
- Sophia
- Sophie
- Sophronia
- Stacey
- Staci
- Stacie
- Stacy
- Stefanie
- Stella
- Stephanie
- Sudie
- Sue
- Susan
- Susanna
- Susanne
- Susie
- Suzanne
- Suzette
- Sybil
- Syble
- Sylvia
- Tabatha
- Tabitha
- Tamara
- Tamela
- Tamera
- Tami
- Tammi
- Tammie
- Tammy
- Tamra
- Tania
- Tanya
- Tara
- Tasha
- Tena
- Tennie
- Teresa
- Teri
- Terri
- Terrie
- Terry
- Tessie
- Theda
- Thelma
- Theresa
- Therese
- Tiffany
- Tillie
- Tina
- Tisha
- Tommie
- Toni
- Tonia
- Tonja
- Tonya
- Tracey
- Traci
- Tracie
- Tracy
- Tressie
- Tricia
- Trina
- Trisha
- Trudy
- Vada
- Valarie
- Valeria
- Valerie
- Vanessa
- Veda
- Velma
- Vera
- Verda
- Verna
- Vernie
- Veronica
- Vesta
- Vicki
- Vickie
- Vicky
- Victoria
- Vida
- Vina
- Vinnie
- Viola
- Violet
- Virgie
- Virginia
- Vivian
- Wanda
- Wendi
- Wendy
- Wilda
- Wilhelmina
- Willa
- William
- Willie
- Wilma
- Winifred
- Winnie
- Winona
- Zada
- Zelda
- Zella
- Zelma
- Zoe
- Zola
- Zora
- Zula
How to Pick from so many Girl Dog Names

In naming each of our girl dogs, we struggled to pick names that both matched their personalities and held special significance for us. Irie, named for a Jamaican patois word that means “all’s good,” and Tiki were both adopted after we completed numerous Caribbean guidebooks so they were named accordingly.
Being selective in a name choice might not just be because of personal preference but also because of something the ancient Romans called Nomen est omen or the name is a sign.
Today often termed “Nominative determinism,” the idea is that people–or maybe dogs?–grow up and evolve a particular way because of their name, often selecting professions that “match” their name. (Hmm…did my first name of Paris steer me into a career as a travel writer?)
Similarly, some names are termed Aptronyms–a name that’s, as you might guess, apt. Take, for example, British and American meteorologists Sara Blizzard and Amy Freeze–or the fastest man in the world, Usain Bolt.
What name will be apt for your new girl dog?