Need some name ideas for your new dog? Looking for a fun and unique name for your puppy? You’ve come to the right place.
There’s nothing quite like the excitement of getting a new dog, but there is one step that I always struggle with — picking out the perfect name. Most of us look for a dog name that sounds good, one that fits their personality, and one that’s not too long or hard to pronounce. And perhaps the toughest part of all — finding a name the whole family will agree on. Finding one name that fits all those criteria? It can be quite a challenge.
And the best way I’ve found to help narrow down the search is to start by browsing dog & baby name lists for ideas. For me at least it’s much easier than just coming up with a bunch of name ideas on the spot. So help you out I put together a list of 500 dog names that start with B. This list has both popular male and female dog names, and should give you plenty of inspiration to help you get started in picking out the perfect name for your dog.
From Babs to Buzz, here’s 500 dog names that start with the letter B.
500 Dog Names That Start With B
Female Dog Names | Male Dog Names |
Baba | Babak |
Babbie | Babar |
Babe | Babu |
Babette | Baby |
Babs | Bach |
Baby | Bacon |
Bahar | Bade |
Bahija | Baden |
Baila | Bader |
Bailey | Badi |
Bailie | Badu |
Baize | Bagel |
Baja | Baha |
Bali | Bahir |
Balia | Bai |
Baljit | Bailey |
Ballia | Bain |
Balu | Baird |
Bama | Baja |
Bambi | Bajir |
Banji | Bakari |
Banjo | Baker |
Banka | Baldo |
Bara | Baldur |
Barah | Baldwin |
Barbara | Bale |
Barbie | Bali |
Barbro | Balin |
Barco | Baloo |
Barri | Balthazar |
Basia | Balto |
Basil | Bam Bam |
Basja | Bama |
Batia | Bamba |
Batilda | Bandit |
Bayla | Bandos |
Baylin | Bane |
Baylor | Banjo |
Bazilla | Banks |
Bea | Bannon |
Bean | Baptiste |
Beans | Barclay |
Beatrix | Bard |
Beauty | Bardo |
Bebbe | Bardot |
Bebe | Baret |
Becca | Bari |
Becky | Baris |
Bedelia | Barker |
Bee | Barkley |
Beeatrix | Barley |
Beebee | Barna |
Beeja | Barnes |
Beezus | Barney |
Behira | Baron |
Bejita | Barnik |
Beksa | Barry |
Bel | Bart |
Belah | Bartek |
Belem | Bartok |
Belen | Bas |
Belia | Basek |
Belin | Bash |
Belita | Bashir |
Bell | Basil |
Bella | Basim |
Bella Rose | Bartholomew |
Belle | Batson |
Bellona | Batu |
Belva | Bauer |
Benicia | Bavari |
Benita | Baxter |
Benja | Baya |
Benji | Bayne |
Benna | Bazil |
Bennie | Beaker |
Bentley | Beal |
Beret | Beamer |
Berkley | Beamon |
Berlin | Bean |
Bernadette | Beans |
Bernadine | Bear |
Berni | Beard |
Bernice | Beardsley |
Berry | Beast |
Bertha | Beau |
Bertie | Beauregard |
Bertille | Beck |
Bertina | Becker |
Bertine | Beckham |
Beryl | Becks |
Bessa | Bee |
Bessie | Beethoven |
Bessy | Beetle |
Bet | Bejit |
Beta | Bela |
Beth | Bellamy |
Bethel | Bello |
Bethelle | Belton |
Bethia | Ben |
Betia | Bence |
Bets | Benicio |
Betsy | Benito |
Betta | Benjamin |
Bettie | Benjen |
Betty | Benji |
Bev | Bennett |
Beverly | Benny |
Bevie | Beno |
Bevvy | Benoit |
Beyza | Benson |
Bhamini | Bentley |
Bia | Benton |
Bianca | Beowolf |
Bibi | Beren |
Bice | Berlin |
Biddie | Bernard |
Biddy | Bernie |
Bijou | Bernon |
Billie | Berry |
Billie Jo | Bert |
Bina | Beto |
Bindi | Bevan |
Binky | Bevis |
Bird | Biddy |
Birdie | Bien |
Birdine | Biggie |
Birna | Biggy |
Birta | Bijan |
Biscuit | Bilbo |
Bit | Bill |
Biti | Billy |
Bits | Bimo |
Bitsy | Bin |
Bitta | Bing |
Bitty | Bingo |
Bixby | Binkie |
Biz | Binx |
Bizzy | Birch |
Blair | Birdie |
Blaire | Birju |
Blaise | Biscuit |
Blake | Bishop |
Blakely | Bismark |
Blanca | Bitsy |
Blanch | Bitty |
Blanche | Bixby |
Blasia | Bjorn |
Blaze | Blaine |
Blessy | Blair |
Blimah | Blake |
Bliss | Blaze |
Blondie | Blitz |
Bloom | Blu |
Blossom | Blue |
Blue | Bo |
Blueberry | Bob |
Bluesy | Bobby |
Bluma | Boden |
Bly | Bodhi |
Blythe | Bogart |
Bobbi | Boget |
Bobi | Bojan |
Bobijo | Bolt |
Bobina | Bond |
Bobine | Bones |
Boca | Bongo |
Bodhi | Boo |
Bogie | Boo Boo |
Bojana | Boogie |
Bok | Booker |
Bolina | Boomer |
Bolt | Boone |
Bona | Boots |
Bonita | Bopper |
Bonnie | Bora |
Bonny | Borg |
Boots | Boril |
Bootsie | Boris |
Bora | Boromir |
Borka | Bosco |
Boston | Bosley |
Bowie | Boso |
Bracha | Boss |
Bradi | Boston |
Bralia | Bourbon |
Brandi | Bowden |
Brandy | Bowie |
Brave | Bowser |
Brayli | Boyd |
Bre | Boz |
Bree | Bradley |
Breena | Brady |
Breeze | Bragi |
Breezy | Bran |
Breigh | Brando |
Brelan | Braun |
Bren | Brave |
Brenley | Bravo |
Brenna | Brawn |
Brett | Braylen |
Bretta | Brayson |
Bria | Brazen |
Briah | Breckin |
Briane | Bren |
Brianna | Brenden |
Briar | Brenner |
Bricia | Brent |
Brida | Brenton |
Bridey | Brett |
Bridget | Brewster |
Bridgit | Brian |
Brie | Brice |
Brielle | Brick |
Briette | Brigg |
Brijet | Briggs |
Brin | Brinden |
Brina | Brinkley |
Brinley | Brock |
Brio | Brody |
Brione | Brogan |
Brisha | Bronco |
Bristol | Bronson |
Brit | Bronx |
Brtia | Brooklyn |
Brite | Brownie |
Brites | Bruce |
Brittany | Bruiser |
Brixie | Bruno |
Brizzy | Brutus |
Brody | Bryant |
Brogan | Bubba |
Bronny | Bubbles |
Brooke | Buck |
Brookie | Buckley |
Brooklyn | Bucky |
Brownie | Buddha |
Bruna | Buddy |
Brunhilda | Buggy |
Brya | Bullet |
Bryce | Bumble |
Bryn | Bunny |
Bubbles | Burrell |
Buffy | Burton |
Bug | Buster |
Bula | Butch |
Bunny | Butters |
Burcu | Buttons |
Buttercup | Buxley |
Byla | Buzz |
How Did You Choose Your Dogs Name?
How did you end up picking your dogs name? Do you do what I do, and use dog and baby name lists for inspiration? Did you give your dog a name that suits their personality? What are your favorite names from the list above? Let me know in the comments below.
Recommended Reading
If you’re looking for more dog name ideas be sure to check out the following:

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