Keeping Your Lawn Lush During Dallas’ Hot Summers

Maintaining a vibrant, green lawn through Dallas’ scorching summers can be challenging, but with the right strategies, it’s possible to keep your grass healthy and thriving. Whether you’re taking a DIY approach or enlisting the help of experts like Southern Botanical, these tips will help you beat the heat and maintain a lush lawn all summer long.

Choose the Right Grass for Hot Weather

Not all grasses are suited to handle the heat and drought conditions typical of a Dallas summer. To set your lawn up for success, it’s important to plant the right type of grass.

Warm-Season Grasses for Dallas

Bermuda, Zoysia, and St. Augustine are great choices for Dallas lawns as they are warm-season grasses that thrive in high temperatures. These varieties are drought-resistant and bounce back quickly after periods of stress. Choosing a grass that’s built for the heat ensures your lawn will remain healthy during the summer months.

Water Smartly and Efficiently

Water Smartly and Efficiently

Proper watering is crucial in keeping your lawn hydrated during dry spells, but it’s also important to avoid waste. Following smart watering practices can help conserve water while keeping your grass green.

Early Morning Watering

Watering your lawn early in the morning helps minimize evaporation, ensuring that the water reaches the roots where it’s needed most. Aim to water between 5 a.m. and 9 a.m. to give your lawn the best chance of absorbing moisture before the sun gets too intense.

Deep, Infrequent Watering

Rather than watering daily, focus on watering deeply once or twice a week. This encourages deeper root growth, making your grass more resilient during droughts. Most lawns need about one inch of water per week, including rainfall, to stay healthy.

Mow for Heat Protection

How you mow your lawn can impact its ability to withstand the summer heat. Using proper mowing techniques will protect your grass from stress and help it stay green longer.

Raise Your Mower Blades

In the summer, it’s best to raise your mower blades and leave your grass a bit taller. This provides shade to the soil, helping to retain moisture and keep the roots cool. A mowing height of about 2.5 to 3 inches is ideal for most warm-season grasses in Dallas.

Don’t Over-Mow

Mowing too often can stress your lawn, especially during periods of extreme heat. Allow your grass to grow taller between mowings to give it time to recover. Always ensure your mower blades are sharp to avoid tearing the grass, which can lead to brown tips.

Fertilizing in Summer

Feeding your lawn with the right nutrients can help it stay strong during the heat of summer. However, be cautious about when and how you fertilize.

Summer-Appropriate Fertilizers

Using a slow-release fertilizer during the growing season can provide your lawn with the nutrients it needs without burning the grass. Consulting with experts like Southern Botanical can help ensure you choose the right fertilizer for your grass type and soil conditions.


Keeping your lawn lush through Dallas’ hot summers requires the right grass, efficient watering, smart mowing practices, and proper fertilization. By following these tips, or seeking advice from Southern Botanical, you can ensure your lawn remains green and healthy despite the challenging conditions.

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