Top Natural Geysers around the WorldTravel And Tour World


Published on : Saturday, November 20, 2021

Geysers are often considered to be one of the rarest but most beautiful gifts from Mother Nature. The world only has a few thousand on natural geysers, most of which are erupted near volcanoes. A geyser can be defined as a spring that intermittently gushes out water into the air accompanied by steam mostly erupted due to hydrogeological conditions that are found in very few destinations around the world.

Over the years, geysers have turned into one of the most popular tourist attractions. Although witnessing a geyser in its full glory is a rare phenomenon, it allows one to experience the primary force of nature at its finest. Read on to know about some of the top natural geysers around the world that are currently active and stands as popular tourism hotspots.

Old Faithful, Yellowstone

Yellowstone is home to some of the best geysers around the world with Old Faithful considered to be the most well-known natural geyser of the region. The eruptions of the geyser can reach up to 100-180 feet and can occur once in every two hours. The geyser has been named based on frequent eruptions and dependable nature. It can shoot around 3,700 to 8,000 US gallons of water and last somewhere from 11/2 to 5 minutes. Old Faithful also stands as a great example of a cone geyser that erupts from a cone-shaped structure formed by the mounds of mineral-rich silica.

Lady Knox Geyser, New Zealand

Discovered back in 1901 by a group of prisoners, the Lady Knox Geyser is located on the Waiotapu area of the Taupo Volcanic Zone in New Zealand. It is believed that the prisoners were washing clothes in the heated outdoor waters of the area when their soap triggered the eruption of the geyser. Ever since then, the geyser erupt everyday at 10:15 AM often induced by a surfactant. The eruptions produce a jet of water that shoots up to 20 meters and can last for an hour. Te geyser was named after Lady Constance Knox, the second daughter of Uchter Knox, the 15th Governor of New Zealand.

El Tatio, Chile

Located in the Andes Mountain, 4320 metres above the sea level beside the Atacama Desert in Chile, El Tatio is not a singular geyser but one of the largest geyser fields in the world. It is home to nearly 80 natural geysers that form into warm pools. Although none of the geysers in the region are remarkably high, the eruptions are a sight to behold. The site provides the best views at sunrise as the geysers steams and bubbles amidst the sunlit backdrop, rugged mountains and yellow bunch of grass.

Strokkur, Iceland

Considered to be one of the rare natural geysers that erupts frequently, Strokkur is a fountain type geyser located in a geothermal area beside the Hvita River in Iceland, around east of Reykjavik. The geysers usually erupt every 6-10 minutes at a general height of 49-66 feet and even shoots up to 130 feet at times. The geyser first appeared back in 1789 after an earthquake unblocked the conduit of the geyser.

Geysir, Iceland

Another recognised geyser in Iceland is the Great Geysir Geyser that is considered to be the oldest natural geyser on earth. Discovered back in 1294, the activity of the Geyser came to a halt towards the end of the 19th century. However, an earthquake in 1935 reactivated the geyser and it has been constantly erupting every 8-10 hours ever since. The eruptions can produce boiling water than shoots up to 70 metres in the air.

Steamboat, Yellowstone

Although the geyser is infrequent as compared to many other natural geysers, it is also the world’s tallest active geyser at present. Steamboat is capable of erupting at a height of 300 feet into the air with major eruptions lasting from 3 to 40 minutes. The geyser also has minor eruptions of 10 to 15 feet which are more frequent than the major ones. However, no particular schedule of eruption can be detected for the geyser. It has even experienced a completely dormant phase from 1911 to 1961 but entered into a prolonged active period in 2018-2019 with more than 40 reported eruptions in a period of one year.

Andernach Geyser, Germany

Known as the highest cold-water geyser in the world, Andernach Geyser is located close to the town of Andernach in Germany. The geyser erupts once every two hours around the month of April and October with an average height of 200 feet into the air. The eruptions of this particular geyser are caused by bubbles of carbon dioxide instead of heat and can last up to 8 minutes. 

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Tags: Geysers, Natural geysers, Nature Tourism, Tourism

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